30 March 2011

Love at first pic: Velour mon amour!

Issue three of Velour is already available, but I discovered this amazing quarterly fashion magazine only lately.
Thanks to Garance Doré (yeah!) and her hilarious post "Sshhhh" which lists the ever-present stylish terms but now out of fashion (Trendy, Fashion, Must have, Celeb, Style icon etc...). Or better: the list comes from Violaine Bernard, a Garance Doré's friend and founder of Velour magazine. Velour? Ok, I set to search the web. I find the website in no time and the reasons why the magazine was born:

VELOUR is being produced in response to the lack of considered images out there in an attempt to redress the balance. We, at velour want to create tangible images for both the eyes and the mind of our reader”.

It 's definitely a niche product and aimed at a specific target audience: photographers, graphic designers, stylists, artists, illustrators, and all those figures involved within the creative industry.
I fell immediately in love with the original and creative covers. I discover some stylists who contributed to the fashion editorial (Katie Burnett, Alexia Somerville,
Giannie Couji etc.), the facebook page, one interesting post and look for some news about Violaine. Not much. A few photos here and there, a Question&Answer reported in many posts.
Velour is distributed only in some art bookstores and in strictly selected boutiques in Paris, London, Milan and New York. Enjoy the photos!
(Italian translation below)


Violaine Bernard

Velour è già al terzo numero ma questa incredibile rivista di moda trimestrale l'ho scoperta solo da poco.
Tutto merito di Garance Doré (si!) e del suo esilarante post “Sshhhh!” dove elenca i termini fashion onnipresenti e ormai passati di moda (Trendy, Fashionista, Must have, Celeb, Style icon ecc.). O meglio: la lista proviene da Violaine Bernard, amica di Garance Doré e fondatrice di Velour. Velour? Ok, mi metto subito a cercare in rete. Trovo subito il sito e la ragione per cui il magazine è nato:

“VELOUR is being produced in response to the lack of considered images out there in an attempt to redress the balance. We, at velour want to create tangible images for both the eyes and the mind of our reader.”.

E' sicuramente un prodotto di nicchia e rivolto a un target specifico: fotografi, graphic designer, stylist, artisti, illustratori e tutte quelle figure che gravitano nella creatività.
Mi innamoro subito delle cover, originali e creative. Scopro alcune stylist che hanno contribuito agli editoriali (Katie Burnett, Alexia Somerville, Giannie Couji ecc.), la pagina facebook, un post interessante e cerco qualche notizia su Violaine. Non c'è molto. Qualche foto qua e là, un domanda e risposta, riportato in molti post.
Velour è distribuito solo in alcune librerie e in negozi rigorosamente selezionati a Parigi, Londra, Milano e New york. Gustatevi le foto!

New York Vs Paris

Collage by the.boxette
New York/ Roaming Shoes: Marc Jacobs Spring 2011
Paris/ Roaming Shoes: Dior Spring 2011 (ready-to-wear)

New York/ Scarpe Girovaghe: Marc Jacobs Primavera 2011
Parigi/ Scarpe Girovaghe: Dior Primavera 2011 (ready-to-wear)

27 March 2011

Hard Romantic & Chic Soft-Bondage

The revolutionary Rag & Bone Spring 2011 collection. That's what inspire me today (New York Fashion Week).

La rivoluzionaria collezione Primavera 2011 di Rag & Bone. Ecco ciò che mi ispira oggi (New York Fashion Week).

26 March 2011

Inspired By...

(via: fashionising, jack and jil, the selby, scala regia, il cavoletto di bruxelles, motus, horacio salinas, vogue italia).

Welcome to The Boxette - Outfit #1

Skirt: Sisley
Shirt: H&M
Tie: MollyTies