18 May 2011

|TALENT| Anntian S/S 2011 Collection

"Picturing ones dreamily look on the ocean, the collection plays with the variety of thoughts and feelings evoked within. Tropical fruits, their taste and inherent beauty, plants and the unique diversity of rich colors, surfaces and haptics they offer, their smells, their taste... Colours like sky-oceanblue, coconut white, reed and kiwi green, coral and watermelon red, orange, citron yellow go along with natural, soft, fluent and trasparent, so as pure, rigid and clears materials".

That's the new Anntian S/S 2011 "OCEAN VIEW" Collection, the label started in Berlin in 2006 by designers Anne Hilken and Christian Kurt. Every piece is unique and special since graphics and colors are handpainted or handprinted.

Follow the link below to discover more Anntian images!

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